Rejoice! GarageID Beta has Launched!

It’s time to get in the action!

Today is a happy day: we are celebrating the official launch of the GarageID Beta version of the application to the world!  But first, let me introduce myself:

I’m Michael Bohnen, CTO and Cofounder of GarageID.  Basically I’m the nerd behind the scenes managing the creation of the application managing the development, design, and testing teams.

So enough about me, let’s get back to the reason for the post:  GarageID is officially in BETA access as of January 14th, 2024.  This means we have finalized the first revisions of the driver/vehicle profile features as well as the basic event management functionality for testing.  Access to create an account is still currently restricted to only authorized Beta testers (this was included in our Kickstarter campaign which concluded the same date) but soon will be open for everyone to create a free account and have access to all features of the application..

If anyone has previously visited the application, I encourage you to check it out again now ( as many features have been added and redesigned.  Here are a few teasers of some major updates:

New Desktop Layout!


Event Management!

So as you can see, we’ve been busy cranking out weekly updates to the system (see the weekly update details here:  So now you may ask: what’s next?!

After polling our many initial partners and testers, we have decided to next focus on the social posting/feed features for drivers to encourage all users to actively participate on the platform, tell everyone what all you’ve been up to, and earn some rewards for doing so!  We are also looking to expand out the digital assets functionality to include discount/vouchers, boosts to earn more points, and more vehicle/custom assets to collect.

Sneak Peak at Posts???

The plan is to include these new features in our official v1 public release scheduled for End of March (Q1).  This will also mark the end of our Beta testing and access to the entire application will be available for EVERYONE to enjoy!  After that, Q2 hopes to bring full Team Management and enhanced advertisement features to the platform.

Stay tuned and pedal down, drivers!


Kickstarter Success! – Raised over $260,000 with Your Help!

Now comes the real work…


Thank you so much to all of our supporters, backers, and investors! You made this all possible!

Our application and platform has deeply been improved based on all of your feedback and willingness to help!

We have a long way to go. A couple things:

  • We will be meeting next week to discuss our next phases of our buildout.
  • We will also be aligning on rewards for all of our backers! We’ll notify you of when you get your swag!
  • Make sure to stay tuned on all of our social platforms to find out even more ways to get involved in our build!

It has been a grueling 60 days, but our hard work, dedication, and discipline to delivering product weekly has been our success. We cannot wait to roll out the next phases of our product and begin our next round of funding!

Thank you again for all of your support! We’re super excited about what 2024 will bring!

All the best,
GarageID Team

Who is GarageID – Peter Saddington

Meet the GID Team Series

1 – What does GarageID mean to you? – GarageID is the culmination of my racing background, my love for cars, and my current efforts to support my son in his racing passion. With over a decade of racing experience and 3 decades of passion for motorsport, I’ve found some glaring gaps in the organization and management of motorsport events, racing events, and personal machine management. While there are plenty of ‘car mobile apps’ out there, all of them do not provide immediate value to the user. GarageID aims to change all of this!

2 – What gets you excited/motivated and why? – I am primarily motivated by forward movement and building. I was created by God to be a builder. I’m blessed to know that in my 40’s I’m finally at a place of maturity in which I can build something that improves not only my own life, but also my family’s life as well. Subsequently, the solutions to my own problems can help billions of people as well!

3 – How do you do work best? Why? – My best work is done in timeboxes. I time box everything! Deep focus is the key. There is no time clock when it comes to deep work. You focus until it’s done!

4 – Who is your hero? – I don’t have any heroes. I’m the most self-motivated person I know… and for good and bad… this mental model is a filter for the world around me. Whenever I categorize someone as a ‘hero’ it usually is within a situation where someone I know has finally begun to build their dream, go away from corporate slavery, and rough it on their own. The highs of life only come with hard work. The lows are character building. Never give up.

5 – What is a worldview you hold and why is it important to you? – Everyone is searching for meaning. Without meaning, life isn’t worth living. For me, my life ended when I had a wife and children. They are the sole purpose in which I toil. The greatest success in life isn’t purchase power. The greatest success in life is legacy. Children are exactly that.

6 – What is your superpower? – Perseverance and resilience. As an operator I’ve failed more times than I can count. I’m still failing today. The key is to never spend too much time pondering the failure. The next best thing is to get back to work. We have things to do. Things to build. Experiences to uncover. One must go into the grey and unknown to find them.

7 – What makes you laugh the most? – My wife. My mother always told me to find someone who makes you laugh. I’m blessed by God to have found this wonderful partner.

8 – What is a pet peeve you have? – Laziness. Nobody is going to build your dream for you. Nobody is going to lift a finger to help you unless it peripherally enables or helps them achieve what they want. Regardless, you’re own your own. Don’t be lazy. You never forget how hard yesterday was. This is the blessing of sleep.

9 – What is on your bucket list? – To support my son in his racing career. GarageID can be a mechanism for this! To support my daughter in her life till the day I die. To love my wife as imperfect as I am.

10 – What is your dream vacation? – I let my wife choose our family vacations. To be with my family enjoying a new part of the world is always a great experience!

We’re all here dedicated to the build of a platform never seen before in the automotive & motorsport world. Join us!

All the best,

Who is GarageID? – Juan Dominguez

Meet the GID Team Series

1 – What does GarageID mean to you? – GarageID means to me a team of professionals passionate about cars and web3 who work together to unify automotive industry services in a single application.

2 – What gets you excited/motivated and why? – It keeps me motivated to learn new things. This is the first time I heard about Web3, and now I understand its importance and how relevant it is to today’s world.

3- How do you do work best? Why? – The key to working better and doing things well is receiving feedback. Constructive criticism is what allows me to integrate correctly into the team.

4- Who is your hero? – My Dad

5- What is a worldview you hold and why is it important to you? – My vision of the world is that it is growing technologically very quickly, and we must adapt to the changes to assume new challenges and responsibilities.

6- What is your superpower? – I consider myself a multitasking person who adapts and takes on challenges with professionalism and discipline. That’s my superpower.

7- What makes you laugh the most? – My daughter is what makes me laugh every day, my life with her makes me too happy.

8- What is a pet peeve you have? – I Think rudeness bothers me a lot; When a child is disrespectful to an adult.

9- What is on your bucket list? – Living for a while in Europe with my wife and daughter as a remote worker would be very cool.

10- What is your dream vacation? – Visiting Disney World with my wife and baby would be an incredible vacation.

Happy 2024!

All the best,
GarageID Team

Who is GarageID – Leo Medina

Meet the GID Team Series

  • What does GarageID mean to you? – It means a professional and personal growing, discover this great automotive world and work with great people every day.
  • What gets you excited/motivated and why? – My biggest motivation is learning, not just code but also about cars, events logistic and even project methodologies.
  • How do you do work best? Why? – I like to work at my own pace but challenging myself to be faster and better with the software I develop. I also like to get help when needed, so with GID team, this is not a problem at all.
  • Who is your hero? – My grandpa, he worked as teacher his entire life and he’s one of the smartest people I’ve met.
  • What is a worldview you hold and why is it important to you? – We live in a constantly changing world, we must change and adapt too. I’m a bit worried about global warmingor wars, but I have faith on humanity,and I’m truly believe things willbe better.
  • What is your superpower? – Think outside the box, I consider myself as a very rational person, however, sometimes it’s necessary to think outside the box to find innovative and creative solutions to problems.
  • What makes you laugh the most? – Meet my university friends, they’re very witty and funny. They always make me laugh a lot.
  • What is a pet peeve you have? – Noisy people or people who’s always trying to be the center of attention.
  • What is on your bucket list? – Make a long bicycle trip again here in Colombia from Bogotáto the Caribbean coast.
  • What is your dream vacation? – Go to France to be in at least a few stages of Tour deFrance or why not the full race!

We’re a global team with a global vision!

GarageID Team

Who is GarageID? – ANDRÉS VILÁ

Meet the GID Team Series

What does GarageID mean to you?

GarageID holds significant meaning to me. It has been a wonderful opportunity for me to nurture my passion for crafting solutions designed to meet specific needs. This opportunity has been made even more valuable by the exceptional team that has provided me with the space, tools, and knowledge required to bring these solutions to life. Building GarageID has been both enjoyable and challenging.

What gets you excited/motivated and why?

I’m a creative person, so I have a strong desire to create. This involves imagining and pondering, asking questions, sketching, designing, and building. What motivates me the most in this entire process is the idea of solving problems – coming up with a solution and then bringing it to life.

How do you do work best? Why?

Physically, I find it crucial to ensure that my body is active and engaged. The most effective way to attain this state is through daily morning exercise before commencing work. Mentally, I need to feel motivated. As mentioned earlier, problem-solving, contemplating solutions, and bringing them to life are the driving forces behind my motivation.

Who is your hero?

I don’t think I have one. Maybe that heroic figure is scattered among different people : my parents (my first examples on how to live the life) and my brothers (who had the same examples but took them in other directions), my family (my wife and daughter who gave me the opportunity to know them from close and learn from them), some of my friends (for example my musician friends that managed to make a living out of their music). The list goes on.  Among public figures, I have a list of inventors I admire, including Nikola Tesla, Charles Babbage, Alan Turing, and Dave Smith. The list of inspirational figures continues to grow.

What is a worldview you hold, and why is it important to you?

My worldview centers around the value of collaboration and consideration for others, both in daily life and in the bigger picture. I find that genuine well-being in a community, be it within a city or a family, depends on people coming together to address shared needs and challenges. What’s important to me is nurturing a sense of unity and empathy, as these values help create a more harmonious and enjoyable world for everyone.

What is your superpower?

My superpower is being a good listener. I’ve found that I’m particularly adept at devising strategies and plans based on what I’ve heard. This ability reminds me of Hannibal Smith from The A-Team, where the other team members had more visible and obvious strengths (one was good-looking, another was unconventional, and the third was physically strong), but Hannibal always had a well-thought-out plan.

What makes you laugh the most?

I find the most joy in clever silliness, especially in the form of nonsensical phrases or jokes that hide a deeper meaning. My daughter is brilliant at this, and I like to imagine my cats are too. Additionally, my fellow band members, the guys I play music with, are also great at translating this to music and lyrics.

What is a pet peeve you have?

I believe that well-being in a city requires collaboration among its citizens. This involves being considerate of the needs of others. Actions such as cars cutting in line or drivers displaying aggression towards pedestrians can be particularly irritating to me. Additionally, situations where public spaces are invaded or where people prioritize themselves over the needs of the community in shared spaces also get on my nerves. I value the spirit of cooperation and consideration in urban living.

What is on your bucket list?

On my bucket list, I have a goal of moving with my family to another country. Having already traveled and experienced living abroad on my own, the idea of sharing this experience with my family is a significant personal goal.

What is your dream vacation?

I don’t dream about specific places or situations when it comes to my ideal vacation. What I truly cherish is the act of traveling itself, the sense of realizing that other human beings lead their lives in such different (or similar) ways around the world. For me, there’s a distinction between traveling and vacationing. In my dream vacation, I envision a period where I can simply relax and unwind. This means sleeping in, savoring good food without the need to cook or wash dishes, and having the freedom to do nothing at all. It’s all about the luxury of leisure and rejuvenation.

Stay tuned for even more biographies of our GarageID team!

Who is GarageID? – Daniella Giordano

Meet the GID Team Series


What does GarageID mean to you?

GarageID is like a hub for car lovers like me. It’s where I can geek out about cars with a bunch of fellow enthusiasts. We swap stories, get tips, and have a blast talking shop. Plus, it’s packed with cool tools and info that make my car adventures even more awesome.

What gets you excited/motivated and why?

I’m most excited and motivated when I’m faced with creative challenges. The process of finding innovative solutions, whether in design, problem-solving, or exploring new concepts, fuels my passion for what I do. It’s the spark that drives me forward.

How do you do work best? Why?

I’m at my best when I can team up with others in a well-organized setup. Working together brings in a bunch of different ideas and angles, which usually leads to some pretty awesome results. And staying organized keeps me on track, so I can handle stuff with a clear head and a game plan.

Who is your hero?

My hero is my dad. His unwavering support, wisdom, and love have been a constant source of inspiration and guidance in my life.

What is a worldview you hold, and why is it important to you?

I hold the belief that continuous learning and growth are fundamental. Embracing new experiences and knowledge helps us evolve and find purpose in life.

What is your superpower?

My superpower? Being super creative. I’m really good at thinking up cool solutions and making wild ideas into real, game-changing stuff. It’s like having a secret weapon to tackle problems in a whole new way and design things that totally stand out.

What makes you laugh the most?

Honestly, it’s the hilarious stuff my kids and my cats do. They’re like little comedians, always doing something funny without even trying. It’s those everyday moments of silliness that keep me laughing. I am also a big fan of clever memes.

What is a pet peeve you have?

People talking on their cell phones loudly in public places, like restaurants or public transportation, drives me crazy. It’s like an invasion of personal space.

What is on your bucket list?

I’ve got Japan on my bucket list, big time! I want to explore the land of sushi, samurai, and cherry blossoms. I want to go to the ancient temples and high-tech cities, it’s a place of contrasts that I can’t wait to experience. Plus, living there for a while would be a dream come true!

What is your dream vacation?

My dream vacation would definitely be traveling to Iceland with my family to witness the mesmerizing Northern Lights. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience that we all dream of sharing together.

Our team is as dynamic as our community!

All the best,
GarageID Team

Who is GarageID? – Michael Bohnen

Meet the GID Team Series

– What does GarageID mean to you? – To me, GarageID is the solution we dreamed of to bring all the components of the car ecosystem (drivers, events, clubs) together under one roof. It brings together 2 of my strongest passions, technology and cars, and has been exciting to build over the last years!

– What gets you excited/motivated and why? – I love what I do. I found my calling for technology early in life and never looked back. “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” -Mark Twain

– How do you do work best? Why? – I enjoy understanding the overall vision or endgame and then working hard to accomplish it. Figure out what all is needed, consider options to make it more efficient, work 110% towards achieving the goal, then take pride in my work/achievements.

4 – Who is your hero? – My dad. Family focused, honest, always willing to help, strong work ethic, and just great guy to hang around with. We’re two peas in a pod; definitely helped shape the man I am today.

– What is a worldview you hold and why is it important to you? – Your life in the digital world is now more impactful to society than your physical presence is. Your personal sphere of influence in the real world is max a few dozen, whereas online its 100s, 1000s, or even millions for some. It’s important to understand society is connected on a worldwide level like never before and will continue changing how we all live.

6 – What is your superpower? – Technology has always been interesting and come natural to me, so I guess it’s the ability to dive into technical topics and figure things out.

7 – What makes you laugh the most?- #dadjokes and great comebacks. I appreciate a great sense of humor and a quick wit.

8 – What is a pet peeve you have? – Processing delay. Don’t say “huh” when you know good and well you heard me 🙂

– What is on your bucket list? – Hmmm, that’s a tough one. One would probably be to be able to drive a tweaked out MK4 Supra; was always my dream car growing up. But I mean really drive it: spend a day at the track and drive it like it’s meant to be driven.

10 – What is your dream vacation? – Flying a private jet to a secluded resort somewhere in the Caribbean for a few weeks to disconnect and enjoy just living. No real plans other than to relax, meet new people, and make some great memories.

More team updates to come!

All the best,
GarageID Team

Who is GarageID? – Senter Smith

Meet the GID Team Series

1 – What does GarageID mean to you? – In short, everything. GID is the culmination of a five year vision to bring interoperability and value into a community or industry providing value in many forms to all people that participate. It is a place where people can monetize their dreams and passions.

2 – What gets you excited/motivated and why? – I naturally get excited about chasing my dreams and aligning myself with like minded people that “get it.”

3 – How do you work best? Why? – I work best in community where people are pouring themselves into what they are good at and rewarding because that is when everyone accomplish the most.

4 – Who is your hero? – Jesus, my Dad, and of course Evel Knievel.

– What is a worldview you hold and why is it important to you? – I hold a biblical worldview because in my life I have come to believe that this world and its people were created and designed with purpose that is specific to me, but means nothing outside of HIM. So being in relationship with Him has become paramount.

– What is your superpower?- Life experience, loyalty, and humility….Just joking, at least on the last one. I would like to be able to teleport though for selfish reasons….

– What makes you laugh the most? – Family, friends, memories, embarrassing moments, and loud farts.

– What is a pet peeve you have?- Smacking, habitual tardiness, and over promising.

– What is on your bucket list? – I have learned that my list changes over time. I used to want to kill a Grizzly Bear with a bow on Kodiak island until I almost got eaten by a black bear. Now I hope to one day qualify for a USGA event, kill a booner whitetail on my farm with a bow, and live long enough to see my daughter get married.

10 – What is your dream vacation? – 10 days at Bandon Dunes with no phone or computer, or a month traveling the west on an adventure bike (motorcycle) with my son, and friends.

Stay tuned for more GID TEAM UPDATES!

All the best,
GarageID Team

50% to Go? – Crushing the Kickstarter Fundraising! – 7 Days into Campaign!

Help Us Get There!

Thank you everyone who has supported my first ever Kickstarter campaign.

We’ve done so much work over the last year to prepare our systems for Launch Team members who want to help our project become a success after we launch public.

We’re learning so much through this experience!

Did you know that we’re staying true to our promises of daily updates? This means we’re updating the entire journey on our Kickstarter page with VIDEO UPDATES and posts! I didn’t want to inundate you all with daily newsletters, so if you’re interested in daily videos and updates on what we’re learning through our fundraising campaign, find your way over to our Kickstarter post page here.

In summary, fundraising is ASKING FOR MONEY. In many ways, this is a powerful mechanism for operator maturity. Meaning, if you’re going to do any type of fundraising for any type of project… you must humble yourself and ask your networks… every. single. day.

You will learn how to ask better. You will learn that asking is always free. You’ll learn that the success of your project is a function of your work-effort. You’ll realize that nobody will help you build your dreams unless you ask. You’ll learn that in order to build the life you want… you have to do it yourself.

People wrongly think that [if you build it, they will come]. This only happens in the field of dreams.

Nothing gets built without 1000% effort behind the scenes. Fundraising is a full-time job. It’s packed with uncertainty. One must gird up they loins for the grind.

It’s hard. But it’s worth it.

Thank you again for everyone giving digital and vocal support of my project.

I still need more to go! Would you be willing to send me $50 in support or let your network know your homie needs support?

I’d greatly appreciate it!

All the best,


Join our Kickstarter Campaign and Get Rewarded!

LFG! – We’re here and it’s time. CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR LAUNCH PAGE!

Thank you in advance for everyone willing to help us build this amazing vision, share our Kickstarter campaign, and give us feedback on how to build the best Web3 automotive platform on the planet.

This has been a full-year of full-time work building out the future of digital garages, building the best Event Organizer system for the automotive world. We have tons of features and functions on our product backlog and release map, and we need YOUR help to get there.

We have plenty of tiers to choose from and you’ll be more than rewarded for your support:

Get early access to our application, lock in your spot for rewards, and be prepared for behind-the-scenes content as part of our VIP community for those who want LAUNCH TEAM status!

Why Support-Only Release?

As you may have seen from our YouTube channel, GarageID is more than a passion-project: GarageID is solving our OWN problems and known problems within the entire racing world.

  • Nobody has built a global marketplace for racers.
  • Nobody has built a global wiki for all racers and race teams.
  • Nobody has built a system enabling racers of ALL KINDS to find and receive money in easily.
  • Nobody has streamlined the racing sponsorship process.
  • Nobody has put racing data and vehicle history on the blockchain.
  • Nobody is building a personal car NFT creator for users…
  • And more.

Simply put, we need people who really want to help us build something that the entire racing market needs. We will open up the application to public use in QTR2 of 2024.

Right now, we need a Launch Team to help us build our dreams.


Choose a Kickstarter support tier, get access to our app, and SCREENSHOT your ride to any of our social channels for extra ways to win! Make sure to tag us so we know!

Pedal down my friends, we’ve only just begun!

All the best,

Digital Car Ownership Mainstream?

Now that we’re in the world of Web3, digital abstractions of analogue or physical items we own can now be leveraged for monetization, proof-of-ownership, and sharing. We’re excited to be leading the Web3 automotive world. We can’t wait to launch our BETA next week on Kickstarter!

1. Do You Own a Car?

Whether you own a car, boat, motorcycle, or racing machine, we know it’s sitting in your garage. It needs maintenance, upgrades, and a little bit of TLC. What if you could load them into an app that provides you with discounts on upgrades, discounts on standard services (oil changes, tires, etc), and even provide you a way to earn by showing off your ride?

2. Do You Want Deeper Engagement and Value at the Next Car Show?

Event organizers love GarageID. Most even organizers use systems like Eventbrite to sell tickets… but these types of systems were never built for the automotive world.

We’re bringing a full toolkit for any type of automotive event: Car show, car event, car rallies, races, auctions, and more! Whether you’re an attendee or just a local car show organizer, GarageID will supercharge your attendee value, ensure sponsors/advertisers/vendors are serviced better, and ensure you make even more money to support the growth of your event.

3. Have a Need for Speed? – For Drivers

GarageID was built by race car drivers and technologists. We know exactly what all speed-demons need to support their passion: Money.

GarageID makes it easy for any amateur, enthusiast, or professional to solicit and receive racing sponsorships, support, and money in the bank. Upload your race team and let the world know they can support your drive.

4. We Need YOUR Help – Be Part of our LAUNCH TEAM?

If you’re a car or automotive enthusiast, we need your help:

  1. If you want to stay up to date with our application launch, simply subscribe!
  2. If you’re an car enthusiast and want to help us create global communities, subscribe and we’ll let you know how you can get involved!
  3. If you’re an Event Organizer of a car show, event, rally, race, or auction, subscribe! We’ll be letting you know how you can improve your event 100x.
  4. If you’re a retailer, service provider, manufacturer, or OEM, subscribe. You’ll love being able to connect to our global community. We’re here to help you grow!
  5. Follow us on social. We’re just getting started…

We’re Gearing Up… Get Ready!

We’ve validated several prototypes and built a Web2 version of our application with over 500K+ users growing by 300 users/day over the last 7 years… and it’s time to release our Web3 BETA! Learn more about us at

We’re almost ready to reveal our next evolution in 7 days… we’re looking for people who want to be part of our LAUNCH TEAM. We’ll check in soon!

All the best,
GarageID Team

check out the app