Manage Event
Once you have created your event, you can add or edit additional information about the event at any time. Many more features and options are available beyond the initial setup, so you are encouraged to continue editing your event to capitalize on all the features available.
1. To manage your events, navigate to the My Garage page and click the Events button:
2. Find the event you would like to edit and click on it:
The Event Management page is where you can now manage all the different details and features for your event:
General Information
1. Click on the Edit (pencil) button to edit the general information about the event:
2. Edit the event information as needed using the same steps as laid out in the Create Your Event – General Information Steps 2 through 8 above.
Manage Event Schedule
The Schedule section of the event is where you can provide details about all the different activities happening at your event and when/where they are.
With the event management page open, click the Schedule button to manage the activities listed on the event schedule:
Add Schedule Activity
1. Click the Add Schedule Activity button:
2. Enter the title of the activity:
3. Enter the location details of the event (example: Main Stage):
4. Click the camera button and select an image to upload for the activity:
5. Select the start and end date/times for the activity. You can only enter dates that are within the start/end dates of the event:
6. Click the Add Activity button to save the new activity:
Your activity will now be visible in the event’s page Schedule section:
Edit Schedule Activity
1. Locate the activity you would like to edit and press the Edit (pencil) button:
2. Edit the information as needed using the same process as identified above in the Add Schedule Activity section
3. Click the Save Changes button to save the new ticket package
Delete Schedule Activity
1. Locate the activity you would like to edit and press the Edit (pencil) button:
2. Confirm the deletion of the Schedule Activity:
Manage Maps
When you enter an address for your event, the page will automatically show the Google Maps location of your event. But you can upload your own event map image to be shown on the event page in addition to the Google Maps one.
With the event management page open, click the Maps button to manage the custom event map:
Adding Event Map
1. Click on the Upload Map Image button and select the event map image you want to upload.
Only PNG or JPG images are accepted with a maximum size of 10MB each.
2. Click the Done button to save the event map image:
Your event page will now show your custom event map you uploaded:
Updating Event Map
1. Click the Delete (trashcan) icon in the upper-right corner of the event map image to remove it.
To remove the event map, just leave the Upload Map Image field blank.
To update the image, click on the Upload Map Image button and select a new event map image:
2. Click the Done button to save the event map image:
Add Social Media Account
1. Locate the social media platform you want to setup a link for:
2. Enter the social media account information into the field. Accepts just the program’s username or can provide a full address to the profile.
3. Press the Checkbox button to save the record or the X button to remove it
Edit Social Media Account
1. Locate the account information you want to edit and press the Edit (pencil) button:
2. Enter the social media account information into the field. Accepts just the program’s username or can provide a full address to the profile.
3. Press the Checkbox button to save the record or the X button to remove it:
Delete Social Media Account
1. Locate the account information you want to remove and press the Delete (trashcan) button:
2. Confirm the deletion of the social media account from the event:
Manage Social Media
Social Media
You can link all your popular social media accounts to your event. Currently, an icon will be displayed with a link to each social media account listed, but soon you will be able to automatically publish status updates out to your connected social media accounts (one place to manage them all).
With the event management page open, click the Media button to manage the linked social media information: